Tractors are one of the most important machines used in the construction industry and are widely used on construction sites. Proper use of tractors can efficiently accomplish construction tasks, improve work efficiency and quality. However, tractor usage involves safety and operational skill issues, so strict compliance with operating standards is required before use.

The following are considerations for proper tractor use in the construction industry:

I. Maintenance

Regularly check and maintain the tractor's engine, transmission system, hydraulic system, fuel system, lights and other components to ensure normal operation, and replace damaged parts in a timely manner. Also, change the engine oil and filter, clean and replace the air filter, fuel filter, and hydraulic oil to maintain cleanliness.

II. Proper Operation

  1. Keep safety in mind;
  2. Before using the vehicle, check that the equipment is compliant, and check the control sticks and other control devices to ensure they are functioning properly. Check hydraulic hoses and power lines for proper connection, and ensure all components are securely fixed in place;
  3. Strictly follow operating standards;
  4. Be familiar with the characteristics and functions of the tractor and master the operating skills;
  5. Maintain a stable speed, avoiding going too fast or too slow. Slow down appropriately when going uphill and do not overload;
  6. The tractor cannot be driven in areas close to high walls or empty bridges.

III. Safety Considerations

  1. Maintain a safe distance while operating and keep a proper distance from other equipment or structures;
  2. High speed driving poses a greater risk, so be aware of road and weather conditions, and slow down when passing through intersections or busy public places;
  3. The tractor must always maintain stability, avoid rollovers and rear slides, and devise a reasonable driving plan based on the site's slope and geological conditions.

IV. Environmental Protection

During the operation of the tractor, attention should be paid to environmental protection. Use environmentally friendly fuels, avoid working in flammable areas, avoid damaging the tractor's tires on rough asphalt roads, and comply with environmental regulations.

In the construction industry, the proper use of tractors is essential. Only by strictly following operating standards, keeping safety and environmental protection in mind, conducting maintenance and upkeep work proactively, can tractors more effectively contribute to the construction industry's work.